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Sometimes, diet and exercise just aren’t enough to get rid of that unwanted fat. Stubborn pockets of fat often accumulate all over body in areas such as the chin and neck, the hips, the thighs, the buttocks and the stomach. It can seem like you’re constantly fighting a losing battle, trying to find an answer that works for you without much success. That’s where Liposuction comes in. This cosmetic procedure is highly popular for shaping and contouring the body with long-term results if a healthy weight is successfully maintained post-procedure.


During the operation, unwanted fat is sucked out of those stubborn areas where deposits of fat tend to collect and works best in areas where the skin is tight and on patients of a normal weight. Under general anaesthetic, Mr Pabari will first inject the treatment area with a solution of both anaesthetic and medication to minimise side effects such as bruising and swelling. The fat cells are then broken down via one of a few effective methods, after which a small incision is made through which a vacuum machine can be inserted. Larger areas often require multiple incisions to loosen the fat and remove it, before excess fluid and blood is drained and the area is stitched and bandaged.

Liposuction is a rather lengthy procedure that can last anywhere between one and three hours, with an overnight hospital stay often required.

You need to be patient as you wait for the swelling to subside post-procedure, which could take up to six months to fully settle, after which you will be able to notice the full effect of your operation.

There is no reason why the results of your procedure shouldn’t last indefinitely, providing you make efforts to maintain a healthy weight.

As mentioned above, swelling is guaranteed, alongside probable bruising and redness, temporary numbness, inflammation either of the treatment area or the veins beneath, excess fluid from the wounds and potential scarring. Minimal side effects, like bruising and swelling, should last no longer than six months, with numbness generally lasting between six and eight weeks.

All surgical operations come with risks of excessive bleeding, with blood clots sometimes forming, as well as allergic reaction and infection in rare cases. Liposuction, in particular, could produce undesirable results that are lumpy and uneven, bleeding beneath the skin, prolonged numbness, skin colour changes, damage to internal organs, and even blood clots and fluid build-up within the lungs. It is important that you are aware of the complications that could come with your procedure, although the likelihood that they should occur is minimal, especially with such a highly trained and experienced surgeon like Mr Amit Pabari. All of this will be discussed with you prior to your operation, during your initial consultation at The Pabari Clinic.

You will leave hospital with compression bandages that should be worn for a number of weeks post-procedure to reduce swelling and bruising. Mr Pabari will discuss the use of antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection and pain killers to minimise any discomfort. Avoid driving initially, although feel free to do so after the first few days have passed. A full recovery usually takes around two weeks, the majority of which you may need to take off of work to rest at home. You can briefly remove your compression bandages when you shower, and any strenuous activity should be avoided for up to six weeks. Any stitches would be removed after a week.

It is important to note that Liposuction is not a suitable substitution for weight loss, and in actual fact this treatment is only suited to patients of a normal weight who are simply looking to contour the body and eliminate stubborn fat pockets. Certain factors could affect your suitability for such an invasive procedure, but Mr Pabari will fully assess your suitability prior to commencing any surgical procedure.

The cost of Liposuction varies depending on the area being treated and its size. A definite cost will be determined during your consultation process prior to your procedure. Mr Pabari creates bespoke treatment plans to suit the individual patient, which means that the cost can vary from patient to patient.

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