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Shifting stubborn fat in specific areas can be tricky. Due to genetics, we all carry fat in different areas of the body, be this stomach, thighs, love handles, or even a double chin. This is just the way fat cells are dispersed across the body, and next to impossible to rectify through traditional methods such as diet and exercise. This is where CoolSculpting comes in. As the number 1 fat-reduction procedure in the world, CoolSculpting helps to reshape the body by freezing unwanted pockets of fat. A non-surgical procedure with no downtime, CoolSculpting is suitable for both male and female patients looking to get rid of any extra bulges.


At The Pabari Clinic, we are specifically trained and certified to deliver CoolSculpting treatment. During the procedure, controlled cooling will be applied to the required areas, effectively targeting fat cells under the skin without affecting the skin itself. CoolSculpting is proven to provide long-lasting results, in many cases resulting in a permanent improvement to the treated area, with no invasive techniques or anesthesia required. By freezing fat cells, the cells are killed completely and are naturally expelled from the body, resulting in a permanent reduction in the number of fat cells in the treated areas. The procedure takes between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the size of the area treated, and is incredibly comfortable for the patient.

At The Pabari Clinic in Maidenhead, your individual CoolSculpting treatment plan will be decided during your consultation with our founder, Mr Amit Pabari, and our CoolSculpting expert Khlarissa Patel. The treatment will be completely tailored towards your unique goals. For an initial consultation, please get in touch with us by calling 01628 770123 or email:

You may start to notice a reduction in fat three weeks post-procedure, being most apparent at the two month mark. Fat cells will continue to be removed up to six months after treatment. No additional supplements are required to enhance results. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and regular exercise, should ensure long-lasting results. Be sure to schedule a follow-up consultation at the Pabari Clinic to review your results and discuss any further treatments.

During treatment, patients usually feel intense cold in the first few minutes, which quickly dissipates to a bearable level as the treatment areas numb within 5 and 10 minutes. Some patients may feel a pulling sensation as suction is applied, sometimes accompanied by tingling, aching, or cramping. The treatment is completely comfortable, with many patients using the time to relax and catch up on emails, read, or watch videos during CoolSculpting procedures. After the procedure is over, patients may experience tingling as feeling returns to the treatment area. There is no downtime, and patients are usually able to return to normal activities straight away. Some patients may feel bruising, swelling, stinging, tenderness or cramping, as well as a fullness in the back of the throat after treatment, which shouldn’t last more than a few weeks.

CoolSculpting is designed for those who are close to their target weight and wish to shift stubborn areas of excess fat, and is not a weight-loss procedure. Good candidates for CoolSculpting are within 30 lbs of their ideal body mass, with noticeable bulges of fat in certain areas. If you suffer from cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, you should not seek CoolSculpting treatment. Your suitability for treatment will be discussed in depth during your consultation.

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